Operating Room and Childbirth
The operating room is among the most crucial areas in hospitals. Here, significant treatment procedures are administered to patients. Additionally, childbirth procedures also take place either in operating rooms or maternity wards. The childbirth procedure is provided in two types: normal delivery and cesarean section.
What is Normal Delivery? How Is It Performed?
Normal delivery consists of three different stages. The period from the onset of regular contractions to complete dilatation is defined as the first stage. The second stage encompasses the period from complete dilatation to the birth of the baby. The third stage extends from the birth of the baby to the separation of the placenta.
During normal delivery, in the first stage, the cervix begins to dilate. This stage is also the longest among the three. The mother is only monitored during this period, and the dilation of the cervix, fetal heart rate monitoring, and contractions are controlled by the doctor or midwife.
With the full dilation of the cervix, the birth process will commence. This part is also considered the beginning of the second stage of childbirth. The contractions of the mother increase slightly during this stage. Contractions occurring approximately every 2 to 3 minutes can last for about a minute. Due to the contractions felt and the pressure exerted by the leading part of the baby, the mother will experience involuntary pushing. The baby’s head progresses in the vagina with these contractions, and the birth process occurs with a few strong pushes. Following this, the placenta, also known as the afterbirth, is expelled within 10-30 minutes.
During the third and final stage, the mother has already embraced her baby and relaxed. Mothers can breastfeed their babies at this time. Subsequently, the placenta, which connects the baby with the mother, is removed after an average of half an hour. The vaginal area of the mother is examined by the doctor for any tears. If there is a tear in that area, it is treated by suturing. At the end of the third stage, the entire process will be completed, and our excited family can now raise their baby happily and peacefully.
What Is a Cesarean Section? How Is It Performed?
A cesarean section, also known as C-section, is also known as the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the world. If situations arise that could be risky for both the mother and the baby, a cesarean section may be opted for. sezaryen doğum yöntemine başvurulur.
For a cesarean section to be performed, the mother needs to be in an operating room environment. During the preoperative anesthesia, the mother is either completely sedated or only the lower part of her body is anesthetized before the procedure begins. During the surgery, an approximately 15 cm incision is made in the bikini area of the patient. Then the baby is delivered through that incision. Subsequently, the placenta and membranes are removed, and the uterine area is cleaned. Finally, all incisions made in the uterine area are sutured sequentially, and the cesarean section process is thus completed.
Cesarean section is a highly beneficial method for planning the childbirth process. If childbirth needs to be expedited, this method can be comfortably chosen. The risk of childbirth trauma is minimized with the cesarean section method.
What Are the Differences Between Normal Delivery and Cesarean Section?
Normal delivery is the natural onset of the childbirth process. The baby is delivered through the birth canal during childbirth.
In the cesarean section delivery process, it is not considered whether childbirth has started under normal conditions. Doctors directly extract the baby from the mother’s womb by performing appropriate surgery. Thus, the childbirth process is completed.
Both methods have their preferable aspects. Each method also has its own risks and dangers.