What is Obesity Treatment?
Obezite tedavisi nedir yönündeki sorular, özellikle de son zamanlarda artış göstermektedir. Boy ve kiloya bağlı vücut yağı ölçüsünün, yani vücut kitle indeksinin 30 ve üzeri değerlerde olması, obezite olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Yani böyle bir vücuda sahip olan birey, vücudundaki yoğun yağ birikimi ile yaşıyor demektir. Bu da çeşitli kalp hastalıkları, diyabet, yüksek tansiyon, yüksek kolesterol, karaciğer hastalığı, uyku apnesi ve daha birçok rahatsızlığın temel unsurudur. Ancak unutmayın ki; obezite de iyileştirilebilir bir sağlık sorunudur. Obezite tedavisi kapsamında yeterli uzman desteğini alarak, siz de bu sağlık sorunundan kurtulabilirsiniz.
What is Gastric Balloon?
Mide balonu, bir tür silikondur. Yani silikon malzemeden yapılan bu balon, mideye yerleştirildikten sonra hava veya ısı ile 400 – 700 cc hacme kadar şişirilir. Biz bunu “geçici bir kilo verme yöntemi” olarak tanımlıyoruz. Zira diyet ve egzersiz ile kilo veremeyip aynı zamanda ameliyat olmak istemeyen veya ameliyat riski bulunanlar, bu yöntemi kullanmaktadır. Ancak mide ülseri, geniş mide fıtığı ve gebelik gibi durumlarda, bu yöntem uygulanmaz. Ayrıca sağlık durumu elverişli olan kişilere uygulanan mide balonunun ise 6 ay veya 1 yıllık sürenin ardından çıkarılması gerekmektedir. Bu tedavi yönteminin de kendi komplikasyonları mevcuttur. Bunlar; mide bulantısı, ağrı, ülser, mide kanaması, mide delinmesi ve bağırsak tıkanıklığıdır. Bu komplikasyonlar, çok nadiren de olsa tedavi sırasında meydana gelebilmektedir.
Of course, you may wonder what the gastric balloon is for. With the silicone of the gastric balloon, you will be able to reduce your portion size and decrease your meal frequency. Thus, even if you eat less, you will feel full for a longer period. We can also say that your snacking habits between meals will decrease to a minimum. Thanks to all these, you will start losing weight.
During the 6-month to 1-year observations conducted as part of gastric balloon treatment, significant improvements have been observed in conditions such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, gout, and high cholesterol-triglyceride levels.
What is Gastric Botox?
Obezite tedavisi için kullanılan bir diğer etkili yöntem de mide botoksudur. Tipik bir ofis ziyareti tedavisi olan mide botoksu, 15 ile 30 dakika kadar sürmektedir. Bu tedavi yönteminde, kişinin mide kasları ameliyat yoluyla gevşetilir. Ameliyat sırasında ise botulinum toksin tip A adındaki madde, mide kaslarına enjekte edilir. Mide kaslarının geçici olarak gevşemesine ve küçülmesine neden olan bu madde, kişinin yemek kapasitesinin azalmasına katkı sağlar. Elbette ki bu da kilo kaybına yardımcı olur.
It should be noted that gastric botox treatment is never effective on its own. That is, for this method to be effective, it must be performed together with routines such as diet and exercise. Moreover, it’s important to be aware that gastric botox treatment has some side effects. Thus, not everyone is suitable for this method.
The side effects of gastric botox can be listed as follows:
- Stomach pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Difficulty swallowing
- ndigestion
- Headaches
- Muscle weakness
These side effects are generally mild and completely disappear within a short period. However, it should be noted that in some cases, these side effects may reach more serious levels. Therefore, it’s essential not to deviate from the advice and recommendations of the relevant specialist during this process.
We mentioned that gastric botox is used in overweight or obese adults. However, this method is not suitable for everyone. People and situations for which gastric botox is not recommended include:
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women
- Patients with heart disease
- Those experiencing difficulty swallowing
- Those allergic to botulinum toxin and similar substances
- Those with problems such as gastric ulcer or gastric bleeding
Gastric botox treatment, generally applied to adults, is sometimes also applied to children. However, applying this treatment to children has always been subject to limits. This is because there is not enough information about the effects and reliability of botulinum toxin. If this method is to be applied to children, it must be approved by a specialist. Furthermore, the entire process must be managed only by that specialist.
What is Gastric Reduction Surgery?
Gastric reduction surgery is an effective weight loss method. This method is applied to patients with a body mass index (BMI) above 40. It can also be applied to individuals with a BMI of 30 or above who have diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. This surgical method is preferred by patients who have not achieved the desired results despite dieting. This treatment method, which must be performed by expert surgeons, should also continue with routine check-ups after the procedure.
Before undergoing gastric surgery, the individual must go through certain tests and stages. During these checks, the doctor determines whether the patient is ready for gastric reduction surgery in terms of each aspect of their health. The weight-related problems of the individual will disappear after this surgery.
Gastric reduction surgeries are performed using laparoscopic methods. During the surgery, small holes are opened in the abdomen of the patient. Suitable patients for this treatment method, along with the use of correct techniques, only feel minimal levels of pain and discomfort. Furthermore, surgical scars typically disappear within a few months.
Gastric reduction surgery is performed using three different methods. These are as follows:
Sleeve Gastrectomy:
This is currently the most preferred method of gastric surgery. In sleeve gastrectomy, 80% of the stomach is removed. The stomach takes on a long, slender tube shape after the surgery. You will experience minimal pain and discomfort with this method. Also, the patient's recovery process is quite fast. With this method, a significant portion of the stomach is removed, and a permanent treatment method without return is achieved.
Gastric Banding Surgery:
Gastric banding surgery allows the patient to reach a feeling of fullness more quickly. During the surgery, a silicone band is placed, dividing the stomach into two parts. This surgery also provides permanent solutions to patients.
Gastric Bypass Surgery:
In this surgery, a small portion of the stomach is connected to the small intestine. In laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery, no part of the stomach is removed externally. Only a portion of the stomach is rendered inactive here.
Diseases Caused by Obesity:
The problem of obesity also brings along some significant diseases. The most important and noteworthy diseases caused by obesity can be listed as follows:
- Some types of cancer
- Type 2 diabetes
- Depression
- High blood pressure
- High blood fats and cholesterol
- Fatty liver
- Cryptorchidism in male children
- Hormonal disorders seen in male children
- Excessive hair growth problem
- Arteriosclerosis and similar cardiovascular diseases
- Ovarian cysts in women and menstrual problems associated with them
- Sleep apnea
- Stroke risk
- Insulin resistance
- Digestive system diseases
- Eating and drinking disorders
- Anxiety disorders