Biochemistry Laboratory

A biochemistry laboratory is a unit within healthcare organizations that provides services for analyzing general health conditions, conducting diagnosis, and managing treatment processes. It plays a crucial role in the examination of diseases.

eswl böbrek taşı
ESWL Kidney Stone

ESWL, known as a healthcare technology used in kidney stone disease, is the process of breaking kidney stones with sound waves. No invasive procedure is performed on patients during this treatment. Kidney stones are shattered into pieces using sound waves provided externally to the body. As the kidney stones reduce to a very small size, the body expels them through the urinary tract. The ESWL procedure, which does not require anesthesia, typically lasts about 45 minutes. However, in some cases, anesthesia may be administered to the patient before the procedure.

fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon
Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation is a specialty used in the diagnosis and treatment of physical and functional disorders in the musculoskeletal, nervous, or cardiovascular systems. In this field, diseases are treated using physical methods and techniques. Moreover, applying physical therapy methods within this scope does not create any lesions or wounds in the human body. The aim here is to minimize the patient’s suffering from pain, increase functional capacity, reintegrate the patient into daily life activities, improve the functions of organs, and ensure the individual’s participation in society as an independent person.

Kulak Burun Boğaz
Ear Nose Throat

Disorders affecting the functioning of sensory organs such as hearing, balance, smell, and taste are examined in the ear, nose, and throat section. This section also addresses functional issues related to sound, speech, respiration, and swallowing. Facial and neck injuries, deformities, and shape disorders resulting from accidents, deformities, and tumors can also be treated in the ENT department. Rhinitis (common cold), tonsillitis (tonsil infection), middle ear infection, pharyngitis, tinnitus, and hearing loss are among the most common diseases within the scope of this department.


Radyoloji, ses dalgaları ve X ışınları ile görüntüleme teknolojisini kullanarak hastalıkların tanı ve teşhisine yardımcı bir sağlık birimidir. Bu kapsamdaki tedavi süreçlerinde ise görüntüleme teknikleri dahilinde invaziv prosedürleri içeren geniş kapsamlı uygulamalar kullanılır. Hastaları etkileyen tıbbi kararların önemli bir bileşeni olan radyoloji, aynı zamanda diğer tüm sağlık branşlarına da destek olmaktadır. Radyolojiyi iki ana bölüme ayırabiliriz.


Urology is a medical discipline that encompasses both men and women, examining the urinary tract regardless of age. Additionally, the reproductive systems of men can also be investigated within the scope of urology. Urology is a surgical specialty that collaborates with internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, and oncology departments to provide healthcare services.