Op. Dr. Ahmet YILDIZ
Ear Nose Throat
Here is the information about our experienced doctor.
Dr. Ahmet Yildiz graduated from Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine in 2012. Later, he completed his specialization in Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) at Trakya University Faculty of Medicine. He fulfilled his compulsory service at Sinop Ataturk State Hospital. In October 2019, he started working at our hospital.
Areas of Expertise
Tonsil Surgery
Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)
Excision of Neck Mass
Tympanoplasty (Eardrum Surgery)
Rhinoplasty and Correction of Nasal Deviation
Sinus Surgery
Placement of Ear Tubes in Adults and Children
Excision of Facial Mass
Adenoidectomy (Removal of Adenoids)
Languages and Certifications
Foreign languages;
Thesis and Other Works
Uzun C., Yağız R., Kul Y., Yıldız A.: Combined Heermann and Tos Technique Versus Canal Wall Down Mastoidectomy in the Treatment of Mid-Size Cholesteatoma, 2016
Türkmen M. T., Karasalihoğlu A., Taştekin E., Yavuz Ö., Bulut E., Aydoğdu N., Yağız R., Yıldız A.: Deneysel Sisplatin Ototoksisitesinde Curcumin’in Olası Koruyucu Etkisi,2015
Yıldız A., Üstün A., Türkmen M. T., Koten M.: Nazal Kaviteye Yerleşik Ekstrakranial Menenjiom Olgusu
Yıldız A., Koten M., Taş A., Türkmen M. T., KArasalihoğlu A.R.: Postoperatif Erken Dönemde Horner Sendromu Gelişen Boyun Schwannoması, 2015
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