Child Adolescent Psychiatry
Pediatric Psychiatry
Things to Know About Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Reasons for Referral:
Intellectual Disability
Learning Disorders
Communication Problems
Speech Impairment
Behavioral Disorders
Sleep Problems
Tic Disorders
School Refusal and Related Issues
Family Problems
Difficulties in Sibling and Peer Relationships
Identity Crisis
Adolescent Issues
Parental Counseling
Psychiatric Disorders Seen in Children:
Behavioral Disorders (lying, stealing, etc.)
Learning Disorders (Dyslexia, etc.)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Tic Disorders
School Refusal
Exam Anxiety
Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu
Internet and Technology Addiction
Suicidal Thoughts and Self-Harm
Anxiety Disorders
Post-Traumatic Conditions
Psychosomatic Complaints (headaches, stomach aches, etc.)
Personality Disorders
Sleep Disorders
Toileting Issues
Eating Disorders
Speech Disorders
Social Adjustment Problems
Sexual Development and Related Issues
Dissociative Disorders
Intellectual Disability
Psychosis and Bipolar Disorder
When to See a Child Psychiatrist?
A child psychiatrist can be consulted not only when there is a problem, but also for general counseling purposes. Support can be sought for issues such as sleep and feeding problems, behavioral difficulties during infancy.
What Age Range Does Child Psychiatry Cover?
Children and adolescents aged 0-18 can receive services in this field. Patients over 18 can be followed up until the age of 21.
Definition and Meaning of ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulse control problems typically seen in children. This condition is due to low levels of dopamine in the brain and decreased activity in certain brain regions.
Causes of ADHD
The exact causes of ADHD have not been fully determined, but genetic factors, differences in brain structure, and exposure to environmental factors in early life are believed to play a role. Characteristics such as low dopamine levels in the brain and decreased gray matter volume are common in individuals with this disorder.
Prevalence and Gender Differences in ADHD
ADHD is more commonly seen in boys, and symptoms typically manifest themselves by the age of 12. Genetic predisposition along with various biological and environmental factors may contribute to the development of this condition.
Symptoms and Signs of ADHD
ADHD manifests with various symptoms such as constant movement, easy distractibility, impulsivity, and frequent forgetfulness.
Age-Specific Symptoms in ADHD
Symptoms of ADHD vary according to age group; in infancy, these may include crying, sleep disturbances, and restlessness, in preschool years; anger issues, behavioral problems, quick frustration, inability to sustain play, during school years; hyperactivity, forgetfulness, impatience, excessive talking, and in adults; inability to plan or organize, forgetfulness, accidents at home and work, marital problems, etc.
Types of ADHD and Their Characteristics
There are three main types of ADHD: inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, and combined. Each type has its own set of symptoms and characteristics, and diagnosis is based on these features göz önünde bulundurularak konulur.
Diagnosis Process and Requirements for ADHD
The diagnosis of ADHD requires a detailed assessment of the child's behavior and learning process. The diagnosis requires a child and adolescent psychiatry specialist based on history and clinical findings. No test, brain imaging method or psychological test can diagnose ADHD.
Treatment Options for ADHD
Since ADHD is a biologically based condition, medication therapy is the main treatment for ADHD. Besides medication, family psychoeducation is also extremely important.
ADHD and Medication Therapy
Medications used in ADHD are not addictive. ADHD treatment involves slow dose escalation and appropriate drug selection under doctor’s supervision. Side effects are usually temporary.
Supportive Approaches for ADHD
Psychotherapy, family counseling, and special education programs at school are among the supportive treatment methods for children with ADHD.
Approach to Individuals with ADHD
Clear and consistent rules, meaningful rewards, and positive feedback are important for individuals with ADHD. In addition, parents and educators need to be patient and not hesitate to seek expert help.
Frequently Asked Questions About ADHD
This section answers frequently asked questions such as whether ADHD is a neurological disorder or a psychological problem, whether medication therapy provides permanent improvement, and what triggers hyperactivity.
Things to Know About Autism:
Autism, çocuğun sosyal ve iletişim becerilerini etkileyen, sınırlı ve tekrarlayan davranışlar ile karakterize bir durumdur. Otizmin belirtileri arasında sosyal gelişimde zorluklar, taklit yeteneğinin azlığı, arkadaş edinememe, konuşma gecikmeleri, göz teması kuramama gibi unsurlar bulunur. Otizm için özel eğitim çok büyük önem taşır. Otizmin kesin bir tedavisi olmamakla birlikte, özel eğitim ile çocuğun sosyal ve iletişimsel becerilerinin gelişmesine yardımcı olunabilir.
Definition and General Features of Autism
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that typically emerges in early childhood and is characterized by difficulties in social interaction, communication skills, and repetitive behaviors. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is also known as it and manifests with varying severity and characteristics in each individual.
Causes of Autism
The exact cause of autism is unknown, but it is thought that a combination of genetic factors and environmental factors encountered during early development may play a role. Autism is associated with differences in brain structure and function.
Symptoms of Autism
The symptoms of autism spectrum disorder typically become apparent between the ages of 2-3. These symptoms include difficulty in social interaction, repetitive behaviors, limited interests, and delays in speech and language development. In addition, some children may exhibit behaviors such as avoiding eye contact, excessive adherence to routines, or excessive attachment to routines. göz temasından kaçınma, aşırı düzenlilik veya rutinlere aşırı bağlılık gibi davranışlar gösterebilir.
Autism Spectrum and Diversity
Autism spectrum disorder can manifest in different ways in each individual since it is defined as a spectrum. While some individuals may show mild symptoms, others may experience more severe difficulties. This diversity underscores the need for individualized support and intervention for each autistic individual.
Autism and Social Interaction
Individuals with autism often experience difficulties in social interaction and social communication skills. This is evident in areas such as making friendships, expressing emotions, and understanding others’ emotions.
Autism and Communication
Some individuals with autism may experience delays or deficits in speech, while others may exhibit repetitive or unusual speech patterns. This diversity in communication skills requires specialized communication strategies tailored to the individual’s needs.
Autism and Repetitive Behaviors
Individuals with autism often display repetitive behaviors and limited interests. These may include behaviors such as hand flapping, lining up objects, organizing, or intense interests in specific topics.
Early Intervention for Autism
Early diagnosis and intervention play an important role in the development of individuals with autism. Early intervention programs can help improve a child’s social, communication, and cognitive skills.
Treatment for Autism
There is no “cure” for autism, but education programs can help individuals with autism develop their skills and become more independent in daily life.
Support for Individuals with Autism and Their Families
Providing support and resources for families with autistic children is important. Educational programs, support groups, and counseling services for families can help them.