Burun Estetiği (Rinoplasti) – Bilge Hastanesi

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

burun estetiği rinoplasti 1Burun estetiği, yani rinoplasti, burun şeklini değiştirmek ve solunum işlevini iyileştirmek için yapılan cerrahi bir işlemdir. Estetik ve sağlık amaçlı gerçekleştirilen bu operasyon, burun boyutunun ayarlanması, burun deliklerinin küçültülmesi, burun ucunun şekillendirilmesi gibi değişiklikleri içerebilir. Ayrıca, travma sonucu oluşan şekil bozuklukları ya da nefes alma problemleri de rinoplasti ile düzeltilir.

Who Is Rhinoplasty For?
Rhinoplasty can be performed on anyone for aesthetic concerns or to address breathing problems. Conditions such as a crooked or long nose, or a low nasal tip are valid reasons for this surgery, provided the patient’s health allows for it.

Choosing Rhinoplasty Centers
It’s important to choose experienced specialists and fully equipped centers for rhinoplasty. These centers should have advanced medical technology and comfortable facilities.

Selecting a Doctor for Functional and Natural Nose Aesthetics
Rhinoplasty can be performed by plastic surgeons or otolaryngologists. Using current 2D and 3D visual technologies, it’s possible to show patients how their post-operative appearance will be according to their preferences.

Rhinoplasty Costs
The cost of rhinoplasty varies depending on the complexity of the operation, the experience of the center and the doctor. Aesthetics performed at lower prices may not always have adequate equipment and experience.

Rhinoplasty Methods
There are two main techniques in rhinoplasty: open and closed rhinoplasty. Each technique offers advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. While open rhinoplasty may be more suitable for detailed procedures, closed rhinoplasty may have a faster recovery time.

Non-Surgical Nose Aesthetics
Non-surgical nose aesthetic methods include nose fillers, nasal tip Botox, and thread lifting. These methods offer temporary results and may not be suitable for every patient.

What Should an Ideal Nose Look Like?
An ideal nose should be in harmony with other facial features and close to the golden ratio. It’s shaped according to

Recovery Process After Rhinoplasty
The recovery process after rhinoplasty varies depending on the procedure and individual characteristics. Bruising and swelling generally decrease within a few weeks.

What Is Piezo Rhinoplasty?
Piezo rhinoplasty is a modern technique used in nose aesthetic surgeries. This method is preferred especially when changing the bone structure is necessary. The Piezo device shapes the bones precisely using ultrasonic waves, minimizing the risk of damaging soft tissues and providing a more controlled procedure.

burun estetiği rinoplasti 2Advantages of Piezo Rhinoplasty
Piezo yönteminin en büyük avantajı, kemiklerin hassas ve kontrollü bir şekilde kesilmesidir. Geleneksel yöntemlere kıyasla, bu teknikle kemikler üzerinde daha hassas işlemler yapılabilir. Bunun sonucunda, ameliyat sonrası morluk ve ödem daha az olabilir ve iyileşme süreci hızlanabilir.

Applications of Piezo Rhinoplasty
Piezo rhinoplasty is applied particularly in cases such as correcting the dorsal hump, reshaping the nose structure, and nasal aesthetic revisions. Changes to the nasal bone are made more precisely and proportionately thanks to the ultrasonic bone cutter.

Disadvantages and Considerations of Piezo Rhinoplasty Like any surgical
Like any surgical method, Piezo rhinoplasty has some disadvantages. For example, this technique may be more costly compared to other methods and may not be suitable for every surgical case. The Piezo method is especially suitable for cases requiring alteration of the bone structure.

Recovery Process After Piezo Rhinoplasty
After Piezo rhinoplasty, patients generally experience a faster recovery process. Postoperative bruising and swelling tend to be less compared to traditional methods. However, the patient’s recovery process may vary depending on individual factors and the details of the procedure.
