1-7 Nisan Kanser Haftası – Bilge Hastanesi
kanser haftası

Cancer is an important public health problem that ranks second only to cardiovascular diseases in the list of known causes of death in the world and in our country.

The "1- 7 April Cancer Week" activities, which are organized in order to use the results obtained with the advancement of technology and medicine more effectively and to intensify the efforts to inform / raise awareness / raise awareness, have a very important place in the fight against cancer.

According to 2020 data from the World Health Organization, 19.2 million new cancer cases were detected globally, while 9.9 million cancer-related deaths occurred. It is estimated that 1 out of every 5 people worldwide will develop cancer by the age of 75 and 1 out of every 10 people will lose their lives due to cancer. The leading cancer types in the world and in our country are lung, breast and colorectal cancers.

In cancer development, 90% environmental factors and 10% genetic factors are effective. Today, it is known that developing cancers can be prevented by 30%-50% by preventing risks such as tobacco use, alcohol consumption, being overweight and/or obese and exposure to infections, which are among the environmental factors.

The importance of prevention is even more important, especially considering the types of cancer where treatment through screening programs and early detection of cancer symptoms and early access to diagnostic and treatment services can add a lot to the quality of life.

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